All Categories - Ashkenazi Herbalism
November 20, 2024
An expanded and broadened exploration of ancestral folk healing in The Pale of Settlement, Woven...
August 30, 2022
In the last few years, my mother told me that her father had a set of “bankes”, pronounced BAHN...
July 5, 2022
brusttea or breast tea = ברוסטטײ was one regional common name in the Pale for marshmallow ...
May 24, 2022
קראָפּעווע (kropeve) or בריִעכץ (briekhts - related to scalding) Has anyone else noticed the...
April 15, 2022
In German Jewish communities of the 18th and 19th centuries, seven weeks after Passover, Shavuot,...
April 2, 2022
Regina Lilientalowa was a Polish ethnographer, translator and journalist at the turn of the...
January 19, 2022
What are some of the remedies you associate with tea? Although we didn't really discuss it in...
January 6, 2022
When I was growing up back East in the 70s, oranges were not as ubiquitous as they are today,...
December 1, 2021
Tobias Cohn or Tobias Kohn (or in Hebrew, Toviyyah ha-Kohen) was a prominent Polish-Jewish...
November 17, 2021
Chamomile or Matricaria chamomilla was a powerfully healing herb in the Pale of Settlement...
October 19, 2021
It's been six months since Ashkenazi Herbalism was published and in that time many have expressed...
September 30, 2021
In eastern Europe at the turn of the twentieth century, soothing someone who was out of sorts was...
August 31, 2021
It’s been almost five months since our book was first published on April 6, 2021. And even though...
August 10, 2021
You may have heard of Berdichev, or Berdychiv as it is known today. Its lore among the Chabad...
July 10, 2021
In June we spoke with Diana Dukhanova, Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian at the College of...
June 23, 2021
Pyellum Bronfen Since finishing Ashkenazi Herbalism, we’ve continued our research on healing...
May 29, 2021
Dear readers of AH, Countless volumes been written about garlic. I did consider including this...
May 26, 2021
Adam and I are at work on our next book and as we comb through different sources, we're...
May 14, 2021
A shaynem dank to readers who requested that the Yiddish plant names mentioned in AH be...
May 8, 2021
We spoke to Brooke Kornegay on her show Soul Soil podcast. You can listen here. Thank you, Brooke...